Kainga > Hua > MPV

Haina MPV Kaihanga, Kaiwhakarato, wheketere

Ko ta maatau wheketere e whakarato ana i a Haina Van, Minivan Hiko, Mini Truck, ect. E mohiotia ana matou e nga tangata katoa me te kounga teitei, te utu whaitake me te ratonga tino tika. Nau mai ki nga kaihoko hou me nga tawhito ki te toro ki to maatau wheketere i nga wa katoa.

Hua wera

  • Inflatable katoa-i roto i-kotahi mihini

    Inflatable katoa-i roto i-kotahi mihini

    Ka taea te whakamahi miihini katoa-i roto i te-kotahi mo te mura o te motuka me te ine pehanga pikinga o nga potae.
  • TEEKR 007

    TEEKR 007

    Te whakauru i te kaihuri keemu i roto i te umanga miihini - ZEEKR 007! Ko tenei waka hiko teitei e whakanui ana i te hangarau tapahi-mata, te hoahoa huatau, me te mahi kore. Anei he tirohanga poto he aha te mea he mea ahurei, he ataahua hoki tenei waka mo te hunga kaingākau waka.
  • Prado 2024 Tauira 2.4T SUV

    Prado 2024 Tauira 2.4T SUV

    Ko te Prado hou katoa he mea hanga ki runga i te papaahi GA-F hoahoanga o waho-ara a Toyota me te whakauru i te Prado 2024 Model 2.4T SUV. Kei roto ko te TSS Intelligent Safety System me te punaha whakangahau hou a Toyota. Ko te ahua o te SUV waenga-ki-nui, e 4 nga tauira e waatea ana, me te utu o te 459,800 ki te 549,800 RMB, e tuku ana i te 2.4T petrol-electric hybrid powertrain.
  • RHD M80 Minivan Hiko

    RHD M80 Minivan Hiko

    KEYTON RHD M80 He tauira maamaa me te pono te miihini hiko, me te pākahiko lithium ternary matatau me te motuka haruru iti. He 260km te awhe me te pākahiko 53.58kWh. Ko te iti o te kohi hiko ka penapena mai i te 85% te kaha ka whakaritea ki te waka penehīni.
  • Wuling Hongguang MINI Macaron BEV Sedan

    Wuling Hongguang MINI Macaron BEV Sedan

    Wuling Hongguang MINIEV Macaron BEV sedan,Te tango i te aukume tuturu tukutahi motika kotahi me te pākahiko lithium rino phosphate, me te tere o te 100km/h me te awhe o te 215km.

Tuku Uiui

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